3 Steps to Help Your Child Grow from FailureImagine that you are incredibly successful. Everything comes to you easily, effortlessly. It is as though you float through your beautiful l
It is known, or is it?: Why our parents were so certain.So as we talk to our parents in their role as grandparents, it can help to understand that there is a huge difference between the certainty
School or Recess: Can Your Family Find the Fun in Failure?At recess we learned that challenges were fun, that we could run faster, climb higher, jump harder. We learned that failures were necessary
Failing to Succeed: Parenting Mistakes are How We Learn.We can see failure as a big problem. Or we can see it as the positive it is. If you failed it means you tried. If you failed it means you ha
Try Something: Parenting the Messy Way with the 4S'sThis is about bringing our creativity into our parenting leadership, so we can stop reacting to all the anxiety producing shoulds we’ve been
Free to See: Curious Parents Know their KidsWhen we have a sense for what is really going on with our kid, we do better. I will never forget the first season of “Toddlers and Tiaras.”
Stop Parenting! Change the Game.What do you do when the rules are set up so you can’t win? CHANGE THE GAME. The 4 S method makes parents skillful, connected and fun.